Central Valley, Fresno y Sacramento 1-888-JAKARA-1 jakara.org
“Jakara ha estado involucrado en todos los frentes: hemos adoptado un enfoque de “todas las manos a la obra”, dice el Director Ejecutivo Naindeep Singh. “[Eso incluye] llegar a la gente en ferias y festivales, organización de nuestros propios eventos y campañas en todo el estado, pero especialmente en el Valle Central”.
Pero Singh enfatiza que el número de personas que inicialmente no están convencidos de participar es realmente un pequeño porcentaje. “Si alguien se toma el tiempo para explicárselo, estrechándole la mano y diciendo ‘Vivo en esta calle, no obtendré nada por esto, sólo lo estoy haciendo por nuestro vecindario’ —dice— el mayor porcentaje lo ve como su deber cívico. Es importante para su ciudad y municipios y para el país”.
Anyone who wants to lead in California must do so with the support of Latina voters.
California’s independent redistricting commission adopted final congressional and legislative districts for the next decade, starting with the 2022 mid-term elections. When you read about a Latino-majority district in California—think Latina power. Latina voters consistently outperform their Latino male counterparts in voting:
22 of the 80 new state Assembly districts are Latino-majority with Latina power voting blocs;
10 of the 40 state Senate districts are Latino-majority with Latina power voting blocs;
16 of 52 total congressional districts in California are Latino-majority with Latina power voting blocs.
The articles below highlight the ever-growing Latina base of voters who are personally experiencing a housing crisis that is pushing their families out of their homes, and the climate change crisis in the form of toxic drinking water and pervasive health issues resulting from wildfires, drought and pesticide use near our homes.
It is time to invest in the Central Valley and in the Coachella Valley beyond the usual election cycle or tit-for-tat politics. It is beyond time that the pathway towards California’s future centers on the priorities of Latina women and women as a whole because we are the spark leading the ways towards a better future—LÚCETE!
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“Veterans love to tell war stories, but now they
need to start telling
Census stories.”
— Virginia A. Wimmer.
Deputy director, San Joaquin County Veterans Service Office […]
BY ALLEN PIERLEONI Census data guides the distribution of funds for new hospitals and clinics,caregiver staffing and medical supplies Why is it essential that every person in the United States be counted in the 2020 […]
By Allen Pierleoni Why is it essential that every one of the 330 million-plus people living in the United States steps up and be counted in the 2020 Census? Because the results will determine the […]