Latina Voters
Two recent polls reveal significant insights into the voting preferences of California’s Latino and Latina populations. Scan the QR code to the right for details. Since 2000, California has seen the largest increase in citizen […]
Two recent polls reveal significant insights into the voting preferences of California’s Latino and Latina populations. Scan the QR code to the right for details. Since 2000, California has seen the largest increase in citizen […]
Invest In Me: Elevating the Next Generation of Women Leaders In the tenuous years of adolescence, where everything is possible, and unforeseen disaster lurks around every corner, sometimes all it takes for a young person […]
From the Central Valley to the World: Inspiring Students To Reach For The Stars by Andy Furillo If you’re a high school or community college student who wants to expand your higher education options, you […]
Political movement looks to Latina Voting Power as the guiding light for progressive politics By Andy Furillo In the heat of another presidential election year, Communities for a New California (CNC) is leaning heavily on […]
Reviewing medicare plans annually can save money for its beneficiaries by Elizabeth Ann Morabito Despite her sharp mind at 104 years of age, the complexity of Medicare leaves Rose Fink unsure about her ability to […]
Hiring for a place like Hyatt Regency can be difficult. The hotel is a 24/7 operation, so employees need to have flexible availability. Furthermore, the hotel likes to promote from within, so Rivera is always looking for people who she believes will stay the course. It’s a path she herself followed. […]
The Community Center Coalition of San Benito County is seeking support to create a community center to house a wealth of resources, services and opportunities. […]
por Hatzune Aguilar Sánchez NUESTRA VOZ A partir de las elecciones de 2022, la comisión independiente de redistribución de distritos de California adoptó los distritos congresionales y legislativos definitivos para la próxima década. Cuando oiga […]
por Anne Stokes Una y otra vez se ha hablado de las votantes latinas como un “gigante dormido”, una población considerable con un historial poco fiable de asistencia a las urnas. La profesora Lisa García […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque no se puede poner precio a las vidas perdidas por la violencia con armas de fuego, el costo de sus consecuencias es asombroso: 557 mil millones de dólares. Teniendo en cuenta […]
por Anne Stokes Elegida en 2019, Mary Zendejas es la primera latina en silla de ruedas elegida para un cargo público en Estados Unidos. Aunque hoy es concejala de la ciudad de Long Beach, dedicarse […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque la casa de la infancia de Karen Borja estaba detrás de un centro de salud de Planned Parenthood, cuando llegó el momento de “La charla”, no había mucho que decir. “La […]
por Anne Stokes Imelda Cruz y su familia se mudaron a Fresno en busca del sueño americano. Con la promesa de un mejor trabajo y mayores ingresos, la familia llegó desde Los Ángeles, donde el […]
por Anne Stokes Maricela de Rivera puede rastrear la arraigada desconfianza de su familia hacia los médicos desde hace un siglo. Su bisabuela perdió a su hija, una niña de 18 meses llamada Rose, cuando […]
por Anne Stokes Modelos de conducta: cómo las mujeres latinas ayudan a otras a reconocer el poder que tenemos Cuando Kamala Harris pronunció su discurso de victoria en noviembre de 2020, millones de mujeres y […]
Por Edgar Sánchez Las toxinas del lago Salton la estaban enfermando: cómo una joven del valle Imperial ayudó a convencer a los líderes del estado para que tomaran medidas. A finales de 2019, Ana Yaretzi […]
por Gail Allyn Short Hace casi 20 años, Sandra García trabajaba como obrera agrícola en Poplar, California, cuando ella y otros miembros de su comunidad empezaron a notar que el agua del grifo tenía un […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque las pruebas de drogas en el lugar de trabajo tienen sus beneficios, la desigualdad en la aplicación de las pruebas y de las políticas recae de forma desproporcionada en los empleados […]
We must commit to listen and act on the priorities of Latina women and women as a whole. We do not need anyone to educate us on WHY our leadership matters or WHAT is at stake. Instead, we need to be ready with financial investment and campaign resources that are equivalent to what our male counterparts in urban centers are securing. […]
According to Professor Lisa Garcia Bedolla, candidates and campaigns are less likely to reach out to Latina voters, and when they do, messages are less likely to offer a substantive message. […]
Not only do communities of color experience more incidents of violence, they also tend to lack the resources to invest in preventative measures such as educational programs and infrastructure, health and mental health services, financial opportunities and more. […]
Zendejas says it’s important for other Latinas—especially those with disabilities—to see her in a leadership position with the power to make important changes for the community, something she didn’t see when she was growing up. […]
by Anne Stokes Even though Karen Borja’s childhood home was behind a Planned Parenthood health center, when it came time for “The Talk,” there wasn’t much to be said. “The only real conversation we had […]
Having a home is more than just a roof over your head; it provides security and stability, especially for families. According to the People’s Policy Project, housing instability has significant health impacts: Higher body mass index and systolic blood pressure, depression and anxiety. And in addition, it’s associated with higher rates of domestic violence, suicide and substance abuse. […]
by Anne Stokes Maricela de Rivera can trace her family’s deep-rooted distrust of doctors back a century. Her great-grandmother lost her daughter, an 18-month-old named Rose, when a doctor dismissed her concerns and sent her […]
To help Latinas amplify their voice, CNC works within communities to educate people about how local governments work and provide training to show them how to organize and make those public agencies address the issues that matter to them. […]
Through her work with California NORML, Pamela Lopez is advocating on behalf of Assembly Bill 2188, a workers-rights bill that would prevent employers from discriminating against those who consume cannabis off the clock. As a newly legal market, Lopez notes that it’s possible to shape the paradigm and create a more inclusive industry. […]
A young girl and her mother spoke up about pollution causing health problems in their Imperial Valley community–and got action. […]
During her time as a councilmember, Esmeralda Soria has worked on three main issues: housing, investing in disadvantaged communities, and parks that have been forgotten. […]
Learn how easy it is to register to vote in California. […]
Parental involvement in their children’s education and their local school board can have wide-ranging affects, especially in underserved communities. […]
Because not everyone has been included in water planning, there are rural areas of California where drinking water makes people sick. Learn about a group of Latina women are fighting to change that. […]
“We need foot traffic, not just people driving through because it’s a thoroughfare. We need people to stop at businesses, have some food and go to the next business.”
Jonathan Tate
Del Paso Boulevard resident […]
Local Sacramento architecture firm designs around neighborhood needs For the past 30 years, Sacramento-based Mogavero Architects has been building homes and uplifting communities throughout Northern California. Its work includes sustainable multi-family housing and civic projects […]
by Thea Marie Rood Life is busy. But thankfully the days of carrying cash, having exact change, even entering PINs into machines, are becoming an amusing memory. We pay our rent, buy our morning latte […]
“With what we’re doing here, we feel that 70 to 80 percent of Sacramento will come to Stoney’s or hit Del Paso Boulevard over the next few years.”
Kevin Lutz
Co-owner, Stoney’s Rockin’ Rodeo […]
“We think an industrial-area pizza window is super-cool. … Consumers love to find these small hole-in-the wall restaurants and tell their friends.”
Vanessa Garcia
Co-owner, True North Pizza […]
“I’ve gotten to know almost everybody in the skateboard community, so we’re a destination shop.”
Lucas Underwood
Owner, Dawg Pound Skate Shop […]
by Thea Marie Rood With many schools open or reopening, and summer just around the corner, Sacramento kids need some safe, reliable transportation. Sacramento Regional Transit District is providing plenty of buses, light rail trains […]
“Sacramento artists are migrating here right now, and we’re super-proud to be part of the arts community.”
Carlos Lopez
Co-owner of four Del Paso Boulevard businesses […]
SacRT offers free round-trip fares to COVID-19 vaccinations by Anne Stokes Whether you’re looking forward to spending in-person time with loved ones, traveling, or you’re ready and eager to get back to work, getting vaccinated […]
by Anne Stokes Ridesharing is an easy way to get around. It’s convenient, flexible and the ride comes to you! Although known mostly for its light rail and bus services, Sacramento Regional Transit District also […]
by Allen Pierleoni Sacramento Regional Transit District is always finding innovative ways to better serve its ridership and the community. For instance, as a walk-up to last November’s general election, it partnered with Sacramento County […]
SacRT offers free round-trip fares to COVID-19 vaccination centers by Anne Stokes It’s been a year since COVID-19 shut down the nation. Today, California is on the brink of reopening, thanks in large part to […]
Take the online rider survey between now and March 29 by Thea Marie Rood Do you love the public transportation in your neighborhood? Are you taking public transit during COVID-19? When will you be ready […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ All good things must come to an end. And, sadly, this is the Sacramento News & Review’s final California Endowment column—one that has delivered essential news about 200 times since 2012. Before […]
Why are LGBTQ+ people so afraid of the Sacramento Police Department? To find out, SPD is holding virtual “town hall listening sessions,” so LGBTQ+ residents can answer that disturbing question themselves. At the first forum, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ The joyful parties at The Imaginarium are over for now—and Ian Hadley, the gracious host, misses them. The Imaginarium is not a dance hall but a young people’s writing center in South […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ The news spread like wildfire in April 2018: A site near Sacramento’s Oak Park district had been chosen for Aggie Square, a megaproject that promised thousands of new jobs for the region. […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Angelica Vera-Franco will be in South Sacramento Jan. 20th, watching live history on TV: the inauguration of Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States. The first-time voter will celebrate, knowing […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Thongxy Phansopha feels lucky to be alive this Christmas. “I am so grateful” not to be dead, the 32-year-old queer nonbinary Laotian American said in a recent interview. Then, in a pained […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Delphine Brody, a queer transgender woman who lives in Sacramento, is terrified of the city’s police force. “During emergencies, I avoid calling 911,” Brody told this column on Nov. 21. “I fear […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ In March 2016, Alfred Melbourne walked out of Wasco State Prison in Kern County—free at last. He had served 18 years for assault with a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon. […]
What is Sacramento County doing to help people experiencing homelessness? Find out in this 8-page special publication.
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Rubie Simonsen has worn many hats. The 30-year-old Sacramentan has been a yoga instructor, a community volunteer, a poet, a website designer and a youth program manager. But the role Simonsen values […]
by Thea Marie Rood Tomorrow is Election Day but it’s not too late to make sure your voice is heard. Sacramento Regional Transit District can make it happen—and it’s free! Working with two partners—Sacramento County […]
by Thea Marie Rood With just one week to Election Day, now is the time to map out your strategy: How will you get yourself or your ballot to the polls? Sacramento Regional Transit District […]
by Thea Marie Rood The Sacramento Regional Transit District’s fare-free transit program, which waives fares for students and youth in transitional kindergarten through 12th grade across SacRT’s service area, has been extended for another year, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ As wildfires and a merciless pandemic convulsed California, a Sacramento conference explored 2020’s perils and how minorities are bearing the brunt of COVID-19. The Oct. 15 virtual event—entitled “The World on Fire: […]
by Thea Marie Rood Voters have a lot to consider this election season, but thanks to Sacramento Regional Transit’s Drive the Vote program, one thing we don’t have to worry about: transportation to and from […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ In mid-2018, Bill Motmans received an invitation he couldn’t refuse. The Tahoe Park resident was asked to serve on a committee that would help guide development of Aggie Square, the cutting edge […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ The long, hot summer of 2020 was unlike any Josh Harris had ever experienced. Once it began, he repeatedly took to the streets to demand that police treat Black people like him […]
By Allen Pierleoni One creative way to promote Census participation in undercounted farmworker and immigrant communities is through culturally rooted art forms. That’s why five dramatic murals have joined a related program of original songs […]
BY DEBBIE ARRINGTON Why the Census is so important for our kids, neighbors and families The 2020 Census is almost over! And a lot is riding on this big count.Californians’ responses will not only help […]
Central Valley, Fresno y Sacramento1-888-JAKARA-1jakara.org “Jakara ha estado involucrado en todos los frentes: hemos adoptado un enfoque de “todas las manos a la obra”, dice el Director Ejecutivo Naindeep Singh. “[Eso incluye] llegar a la […]
Fresno, Merced, San Joaquin y Stanislausfaithinthevalley.org “Nuestras comunidades, con razón, tienen pensamientos u opiniones variados sobre nuestro gobierno. Cuando estaba creciendo, mi familia sentía que nada era asunto del gobierno”, dice la pastor Trena Turner, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Abelardo “Abe” Ruiz believes in the power of the census. The proud Sacramentan has participated in every decennial population count since 1980, when he was a new immigrant from Mexico. This year […]
“Veterans love to tell war stories, but now they
need to start telling
Census stories.”
— Virginia A. Wimmer.
Deputy director, San Joaquin County Veterans Service Office
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Three months ago, a Sacramento teen faced a decision: To be or not to be at a local march against police brutality? A young Chicano, Roger D. Zapata, concluded he had to […]
by Allen Pierleoni Sacramento Regional Transit District has been a national model when it comes to implementing conscientious protocols that keep its customers and employees safe during the coronavirus pandemic. For instance, a creative offshoot […]
A Q&A with Light Rail Operator Jessica Clark by Anne Stokes Light Rail Operator Jessica Clark has been with Sacramento Regional Transit District for eight years, driving light rail trains for four. She talks to […]
by Allen Pierleoni When Jessica Gonzalez learned that Sacramento Regional Transit District had received 60,000 free face masks from federal, state and city sources, she knew just what to do. To help fight the pandemic, […]
By Anne Stokes For 38 years, Joyce Adams-Watkins has been getting Sacramentans where they need to be. We talked with Sacramento Regional Transit District’s senior-most bus operator to see what it’s like keeping Sacramento moving. […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ As a newcomer to Sacramento, Katherine Moua admits to not knowing much about Mayor Darrell Steinberg – except that he wields power and influence at City Hall. But when she learned that […]
by Anne Stokes For individuals with disabilities, reliable transportation is key to living an independent life. Sacramento Regional Transit District provides accommodating, reliable and affordable services to help riders with mobility, visual and other impairments […]
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