City Department Expands to Focus on Youth
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ On January 1, 2018, the City of Sacramento reorganized its parks department with a new focus on youth and a new name: the Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment. The change […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ On January 1, 2018, the City of Sacramento reorganized its parks department with a new focus on youth and a new name: the Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment. The change […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Choices made by city planners affect the health of people in those cities. Consider, for example, that people’s life spans have been linked to their ZIP code. “If you live in Oak […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Every Saturday, from May through October, smart shoppers look for great deals at Oak Park Farmers Market. They always find them. But besides low prices on fresh fruits, vegetables and other edibles, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Now that the November 6 election is history, the barrage of political mailers that overwhelmed voters also is over. But the U.S. Postal Service is still delivering a new type of message […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Tamie Dramer treasures her right to vote. The Sacramento resident has voted in every presidential election — and in every mid-term and primary contest — since 1988. “Voting is important for me, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Maybe it was a coincidence, a numerical happenstance. But 20 days after police fired 20 shots at Stephon Clark in his grandmother’s backyard in Meadowview, special healing circles began in Sacramento. The […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ It happened six months ago. But for some Sacramentans, the grief over the slaying of Stephon Clark continues unabated, as if he died yesterday, community activists say. Clark, 22, an African American, […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ The number is stunning: One of every five African American males in the Sacramento City Unified School District was suspended in 2016-17, according to a report released this summer. In their report […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Rubie Simonsen found her calling as a child, in her grandmother’s lush gardens. The little girl spent countless hours playing among miniature roses in front of her grandma’s home, and by herbs […]
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ A new generation of leaders is being trained to mobilize Sacramentans to fight for equal rights, better public schools and other noble causes in the 21st century. Training occurs on Wednesdays at […]
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