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Local Issues

Jakara Movement

Central Valley, Fresno y “Jakara ha estado involucrado en todos los frentes: hemos adoptado un enfoque de “todas las manos a la obra”, dice el Director Ejecutivo Naindeep Singh. “[Eso incluye] llegar a la […]

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CA Census

Jakara Movement

Central Valley, Fresno and “Jakara has been engaged on all fronts — we have taken an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach,” says Executive Director Naindeep Singh. “[That includes] outreach at fairs and festivals, hosting our own events […]

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Local Issues

Faith in the Valley

Fresno, Merced, San Joaquin y “Nuestras comunidades, con razón, tienen pensamientos u opiniones variados sobre nuestro gobierno. Cuando estaba creciendo, mi familia sentía que nada era asunto del gobierno”, dice la pastor Trena Turner, […]

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CA Census

Faith in the Valley

Fresno, Merced, San Joaquin and “Our communities, with reason, have varied thoughts or opinions about our government. When I was growing up, my family felt like nothing was the government’s business,” says Pastor Trena […]

CA Census

CNC Education Fund

Coachella, Fresno, Hanford, Merced y La coalición de organizaciones se ha asociado con el estado de California para motivar a los residentes del Valle Central a completar el Censo, especialmente en las áreas que […]

CA Census

CNC Education Fund

Coachella, Fresno, Hanford, Merced and A variety of organizations have partnered with the state to reach hard-to-count people and households “We provide a visual so they can see the nine questions they’ll be asked,” […]