Latina Voters
Two recent polls reveal significant insights into the voting preferences of California’s Latino and Latina populations. Scan the QR code to the right for details. Since 2000, California has seen the largest increase in citizen […]
Two recent polls reveal significant insights into the voting preferences of California’s Latino and Latina populations. Scan the QR code to the right for details. Since 2000, California has seen the largest increase in citizen […]
Invest In Me: Elevating the Next Generation of Women Leaders In the tenuous years of adolescence, where everything is possible, and unforeseen disaster lurks around every corner, sometimes all it takes for a young person […]
From the Central Valley to the World: Inspiring Students To Reach For The Stars by Andy Furillo If you’re a high school or community college student who wants to expand your higher education options, you […]
Political movement looks to Latina Voting Power as the guiding light for progressive politics By Andy Furillo In the heat of another presidential election year, Communities for a New California (CNC) is leaning heavily on […]
por Hatzune Aguilar Sánchez NUESTRA VOZ A partir de las elecciones de 2022, la comisión independiente de redistribución de distritos de California adoptó los distritos congresionales y legislativos definitivos para la próxima década. Cuando oiga […]
por Anne Stokes Una y otra vez se ha hablado de las votantes latinas como un “gigante dormido”, una población considerable con un historial poco fiable de asistencia a las urnas. La profesora Lisa García […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque no se puede poner precio a las vidas perdidas por la violencia con armas de fuego, el costo de sus consecuencias es asombroso: 557 mil millones de dólares. Teniendo en cuenta […]
por Anne Stokes Elegida en 2019, Mary Zendejas es la primera latina en silla de ruedas elegida para un cargo público en Estados Unidos. Aunque hoy es concejala de la ciudad de Long Beach, dedicarse […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque la casa de la infancia de Karen Borja estaba detrás de un centro de salud de Planned Parenthood, cuando llegó el momento de “La charla”, no había mucho que decir. “La […]
por Anne Stokes Imelda Cruz y su familia se mudaron a Fresno en busca del sueño americano. Con la promesa de un mejor trabajo y mayores ingresos, la familia llegó desde Los Ángeles, donde el […]
por Anne Stokes Maricela de Rivera puede rastrear la arraigada desconfianza de su familia hacia los médicos desde hace un siglo. Su bisabuela perdió a su hija, una niña de 18 meses llamada Rose, cuando […]
por Anne Stokes Modelos de conducta: cómo las mujeres latinas ayudan a otras a reconocer el poder que tenemos Cuando Kamala Harris pronunció su discurso de victoria en noviembre de 2020, millones de mujeres y […]
Por Edgar Sánchez Las toxinas del lago Salton la estaban enfermando: cómo una joven del valle Imperial ayudó a convencer a los líderes del estado para que tomaran medidas. A finales de 2019, Ana Yaretzi […]
por Gail Allyn Short Hace casi 20 años, Sandra García trabajaba como obrera agrícola en Poplar, California, cuando ella y otros miembros de su comunidad empezaron a notar que el agua del grifo tenía un […]
por Anne Stokes Aunque las pruebas de drogas en el lugar de trabajo tienen sus beneficios, la desigualdad en la aplicación de las pruebas y de las políticas recae de forma desproporcionada en los empleados […]
We must commit to listen and act on the priorities of Latina women and women as a whole. We do not need anyone to educate us on WHY our leadership matters or WHAT is at stake. Instead, we need to be ready with financial investment and campaign resources that are equivalent to what our male counterparts in urban centers are securing. […]
According to Professor Lisa Garcia Bedolla, candidates and campaigns are less likely to reach out to Latina voters, and when they do, messages are less likely to offer a substantive message. […]
Not only do communities of color experience more incidents of violence, they also tend to lack the resources to invest in preventative measures such as educational programs and infrastructure, health and mental health services, financial opportunities and more. […]
Zendejas says it’s important for other Latinas—especially those with disabilities—to see her in a leadership position with the power to make important changes for the community, something she didn’t see when she was growing up. […]
by Anne Stokes Even though Karen Borja’s childhood home was behind a Planned Parenthood health center, when it came time for “The Talk,” there wasn’t much to be said. “The only real conversation we had […]
Having a home is more than just a roof over your head; it provides security and stability, especially for families. According to the People’s Policy Project, housing instability has significant health impacts: Higher body mass index and systolic blood pressure, depression and anxiety. And in addition, it’s associated with higher rates of domestic violence, suicide and substance abuse. […]
by Anne Stokes Maricela de Rivera can trace her family’s deep-rooted distrust of doctors back a century. Her great-grandmother lost her daughter, an 18-month-old named Rose, when a doctor dismissed her concerns and sent her […]
Through her work with California NORML, Pamela Lopez is advocating on behalf of Assembly Bill 2188, a workers-rights bill that would prevent employers from discriminating against those who consume cannabis off the clock. As a newly legal market, Lopez notes that it’s possible to shape the paradigm and create a more inclusive industry. […]
To help Latinas amplify their voice, CNC works within communities to educate people about how local governments work and provide training to show them how to organize and make those public agencies address the issues that matter to them. […]
A young girl and her mother spoke up about pollution causing health problems in their Imperial Valley community–and got action. […]
During her time as a councilmember, Esmeralda Soria has worked on three main issues: housing, investing in disadvantaged communities, and parks that have been forgotten. […]
Learn how easy it is to register to vote in California. […]
Parental involvement in their children’s education and their local school board can have wide-ranging affects, especially in underserved communities. […]
Because not everyone has been included in water planning, there are rural areas of California where drinking water makes people sick. Learn about a group of Latina women are fighting to change that. […]
“We’ve all paid into the system and so in order for people with disabilities to receive our fair share of that, we need to be counted by the Census.”
Aaron Carruthers
Executive Director, California State Council on Developmental Disabilities […]
By Allen Pierleoni Why is it essential that every one of the 330 million-plus people living in the United States steps up and be counted in the 2020 Census? Because the results will determine the […]
California Rural Legal Assistance is making inroads in the Census count By Allen Pierleoni In case there’s any question about who is eligible to be counted in the 2020 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau makes […]
“The accuracy of this census will shape the next 10 years for our communities. It’s worth the time to complete it before it’s too late.”
Cori Lucero
Executive director of Government and Community Relations, UC Merced
El Censo de los Estados Unidos coloca el poder del gobierno en manos del pueblo. Al proporcionar un conteo exacto de la población de los hogares en todo el país, los recuentos del Censo determinan: […]
¿Por qué es esencial que cada persona en los Estados Unidos sea contada en el Censo 2020? Debido a que los datos se utilizarán durante la próxima década para ayudar a guiar la distribución a […]
POR ALLEN PIERLEONI Como muchas madres, Cassandra Gutiérrez desea lo mejor para su hija Arixsandra “Ari” quién actualmente tiene dos años y vive con sus padres en Vallejo. Eso, naturalmente, incluye una bíen fundada educación. […]
Central Valley, Fresno y Sacramento1-888-JAKARA-1jakara.org “Jakara ha estado involucrado en todos los frentes: hemos adoptado un enfoque de “todas las manos a la obra”, dice el Director Ejecutivo Naindeep Singh. “[Eso incluye] llegar a la […]
Central Valley, Fresno and Sacramento1-888-JAKARA-1jakara.org “Jakara has been engaged on all fronts — we have taken an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach,” says Executive Director Naindeep Singh. “[That includes] outreach at fairs and festivals, hosting our own events […]
Merced, Modesto, Sacramento y Stockton916-382-0177 hipcalifornia.com “La gente tiene preguntas sobre cómo se usará la información”, dice Cha Vang, Directora de Organización Estatal para HIP. “Comenzó con la cuestión de inmigración y, aunque ya no […]
Merced, Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton916-382-0177 hipcalifornia.com People have questions about how the information will be used, says Cha Vang, Director of Statewide Organizing for HIP. “It started with the immigration question, and even though it’s […]
Fresno, Merced, San Joaquin y Stanislausfaithinthevalley.org “Nuestras comunidades, con razón, tienen pensamientos u opiniones variados sobre nuestro gobierno. Cuando estaba creciendo, mi familia sentía que nada era asunto del gobierno”, dice la pastor Trena Turner, […]
Fresno, Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislausfaithinthevalley.org “Our communities, with reason, have varied thoughts or opinions about our government. When I was growing up, my family felt like nothing was the government’s business,” says Pastor Trena […]
Auburn530-718-4937 “Estamos haciendo campaña en áreas rurales, donde es mucho más difícil llegar a la gente: tanta extensión, sin WiFi, luchando contra el clima”, dice Tomas Evangelista, fundador de Evangelista Community Relations. “Pero tener esa […]
Auburn530-718-4937 “We’re canvassing in rural areas, where it’s a lot harder to reach people — so far spread, no WiFi, battling the weather,” says Tomas Evangelista, founder of Evangelista Community Relations. “But to have that […]
Coachella, Fresno, Hanford, Merced y Sacramentocncedfund.org La coalición de organizaciones se ha asociado con el estado de California para motivar a los residentes del Valle Central a completar el Censo, especialmente en las áreas que […]
Coachella, Fresno, Hanford, Merced and Sacramentocncedfund.org A variety of organizations have partnered with the state to reach hard-to-count people and households “We provide a visual so they can see the nine questions they’ll be asked,” […]
POR ALLEN PIERLEONI Es vital que los veteranos participen en el Censo; sus beneficios y servicios dependen de ello. La Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos tiene algo que decir a la comunidad de […]
BY ANNE STOKES For the first time, Census recognizes LGBTQ community Katalina Zambrano first started identifying as transgender in the seventh grade. Back in the 1990s, there were no support services in her community for […]
BY ALLEN PIERLEONI It’s vital for veterans to participate in the Census; their benefits and services depend on it The U.S. Census Bureau has something to say to the nation’s veteran community: “Think of the […]
BY THEA MARIE ROOD Learn how your neighborhood’s children will be affected for the next 10 years If you need a reason to participate in the Census, here’s a big one: Education for your community. […]
Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers takes a close look at the condition of the nation’s infrastructure and gives it an overall grade. In 2017, we rated a “D+.” The ASCE periodically […]
BY ALLEN PIERLEONI A home for every family 2020 Census could help alleviate San Joaquin Valley’s affordable-housing crisis. Federal funding based on Census data nourishes a broad spectrum of programs, including support for affordable housing […]
The data gathered by the 2020 Census will examine the medical-related needs and program-related priorities in urban and rural areas, and fund counties and states based on that information. Did you know that Calaveras County […]
BY ALLEN PIERLEONI Census data guides the distribution of funds for new hospitals and clinics,caregiver staffing and medical supplies Why is it essential that every person in the United States be counted in the 2020 […]
BY ANNE STOKES U.S. Census count determines the fate of billionsof dollars of California funding. The U.S. Census puts the power of the government into the hands of the people. By providing an accurate population […]
While the U.S. Census count determines funding for schools, public assistance programs, libraries and more, children are most commonly left out. It’s important to count kids — even newborns — when filling out the Census […]
POR DEBBIE ARRINGTON Y hay mucho en juego en este gran recuento. Una vez cada 10 años, el gobierno federal intenta contar a cada persona que vive en suelo estadounidense. Es una tarea de cada […]
BY DEBBIE ARRINGTON The 2020 Census is here now! And a lot is riding on this big count. Once every 10 years, the federal government attempts to count every person living on U.S. soil. It’s […]
“Veterans love to tell war stories, but now they
need to start telling
Census stories.”
— Virginia A. Wimmer.
Deputy director, San Joaquin County Veterans Service Office
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